© 2022 Anglo-American Group of Provence
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© AAGP 2023
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SMALL ADS To place a small ad in our newsletter and on our website, please fill out the Ad Request Form it will open in a new page. The AAGP is not responsible for the contents of any published advertisements nor for the quality of goods and/or services and/or products being offered for sale or otherwise. Ads can be placed by non-members as well as members of the AAGP. JUNE 2024 YOUR PROPERTY, MY COMMITTMENT Hello Members My name is Magali,born in Provence, living in Aix for more than 25years. I worked a long time for many students program abroad ( Vanderbilt, IAU, CEA, Wellesley in Aix……..) Now I work for families who live in Provence half-time and need a trusty person in charge of their home. I have good experiences and a large and serious book address. Maintenance, logistic…….all you need to ensure that your home will never be alone. Contact : mag.stratigeas11@gmail.com Tel : 06 43 43 31 24 FAVA CONCERTS IN JUNE The FAVA ( French - American Vocal Arts ) Chorale, an ensemble which specialises in English-language repertoire of composers from English - speaking countries, is delighted to announce that tickets for its June concerts in Marseille ( on June 06 ) and Aix-en-Provence ( on June 09 ) are now on sale! Please see the attached poster for details! We are 24 singers from 5 countries ( although most of us are French and American ) and we rehearse every week in both cities. ( Marseille and Aix ) Last December we gave our first concerts at Eglise St. Laurent in Marseille and the Chapelle des Oblats in Aix. June 6 of this year is the 80th anniversary of the Allied landings in Normandy ; and our upcoming June concerts, which will be conducted by our guest conductor Dr Meg Frazier ( Director of Choral Activities at Loyola University, New Orleans ) will be on Thursday June 6 at the Temple Grignan in Marseille, and on Sunday June 9 at the Eglise Saint Jean Baptiste in Aix-en-Provence. The title of the concert is Memory and Peace, and it will feature a Requiem by British composer Herbert Howells as well as a selection of American spirituals and other songs that call for serenity and hope. Email : aaron33063@mac.com LA PALETTE DES PERLES I would like to recommend La Palette des Perles at l’Escapade, the main shopping centre of Le Tholonet. There is a vast choice of pearls and beads for home crafting as well as ready - made articles. Excellent value, inexpensive , attractive presents. Easy parking. Tel : 04 42 26 45 76 Recommended by Katharine Modesti Professional associations (English speaking) BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT Are you grieving for a loved one and needing to talk? The Bereavement Support Network supports the bereaved and terminally ill and/or their carers, face to face in the Var and Aix en Provence and by telephone elsewhere in France. Call us between 07:00 and 17:00 Mon to Fri on 06 24 50 22 74 email: info@bsnvar.org, 24/7 on website: www.bsnvar.org, Cancer Support France provides emotional, linguistic and practical support for English speaking people in France touched by cancer. They are also able to provide information on existing residency applications for UK nationals resident in France prior to 31 December 2020. Tel:0800 240 200 Email:helpline@cancersupportfrance.fr Website:https://cancersupportfrance.org SOS Helpline France for English speakers (similar to Samaritans) Tel: 01 46 21 46 46 (3pm to 11pm daily) Website:https://www.soshelpline.org The Samaritans: UK based with overseas lines (not free): Tel: 00 44 330 094 5717 or 00 44 8457 90 90 90 Email:jo@samaritans.org Counselling in France - a website which includes a range of English (and other languages) speaking therapists and counsellors all over France. Website:https://www.counsellinginfrance.com Red Cross Helpline in English Tel: 07 86 28 11 99 09:00-17:00 Monday to Friday. Email:English-helpline.st-lois@croix-rouge.fr